Welcome to the S+ studio

 We believe that a stronger and healthier body can do more.

If suddenly every muscle of your body was twice as strong as it is now, do you think it would it be harder or easier to run up a hill or a flight of stairs? 


What about how your body might look and feel if your muscles were two times stronger than they are now? Would it look and feel better?


Many studies like this, conclude that strength training not only has the greatest impact on how your body looks but also how it feels, and that’s with just two 30-minute sessions per week!

We want to help you achieve a stronger, fitter and healthier body, even if you have a busy schedule.

S+Studio client on the weight machine

The S+ approach to personal training has been developed over the last 10 years,  helping clients achieve significant improvements in fitness, build stronger muscles and bones, and enjoy a fitter and healthier body in just one or two 30-minute sessions per week.

We do that by providing private one-on-one personal training sessions with a trainer dedicated to you, who takes the time to understand your unique needs and goals. 

You’ll build a relationship with your trainer who will work with you and adjust to what’s going on in your life and schedule week-to-week. 

No distractions, no one else is training in the studio at the same time as you, just you and your trainer, focused on what you need during that session.

We help you find an exercise/work/life balance. Exercise should fit into your life, and that time you invest in your fitness should yield results, just like everything else you invest time and money in.

a client at S+Studio in Verdun, Montreal

We care about your success and wellbeing and we are always looking for new and better ways to help you achieve a stronger, healthier body so you can do more of what you need to do, and what you love to do.

We’ll be with you every step of the way, adjusting to your life and schedule, no matter what’s thrown at you.

With S+, we'll do everything possible to help you reach your goals, whether that means getting back in shape or getting into the best shape you've ever been in.

Free Intro Session

Try it first. The free introductory session will allow you to see how effective this way of training can be!