Get Started with S+

Personal Training in Nuns’ Island - Verdun, Montreal.

You want to be in shape, but you don’t have the time or your schedule is too crazy.

You need a training method that fits in your busy schedule, that works! 

The S+ strength training method is exactly that:

It’s time to try something completely different. A simple but effective program that will fit into your schedule, that you will stick to. One or two 30 minute sessions per week, with flexible scheduling!

S+Studio trainer with a client in the Montreal studio

Try it first. The free introductory session will allow you to see how effective this way of training can be! Then you can try it out for a couple or weeks. You’ll do 5 sessions with your trainer where you’ll really get to see how you can get the results you want out of exercise using the S+ strength training method. Every session you’ll ever do, is private, one-on-one, just you and your trainer, no one else. The focus is on you!

  • Flexible scheduling and rescheduling policy

  • As little as 30 minutes per week (and yes our once-a-week clients get results) but you can come as many as 3 times per week!

  • All sessions are guided and supervised by your own personal trainer who has worked with you from the start - they know you, and they know what you need

client trying her first personal training session at Montreal studio, S+Studio


  • This session is an opportunity for your trainer to get to know you and for you to get to know your trainer. You'll share your past experiences and current needs, and they'll explain how the S+ method can meet those needs. You'll even get to try a few exercises! The goal is for you to understand the program and decide if you want to proceed with the 5-session trial.

  • We want to ensure you understand what it's like to work with us. We're committed to helping you get fitter and healthier, and we want to establish a relationship. The 5-session trial allows us to get to know each other and start building a connection. If you decide it's not for you after the trial, that's okay! If you want to continue, you'll know what to expect, and you and your trainer can decide on the best next step.

  • After trying S+, you'll know how often you want to train. You'll work with your trainer to determine the best frequency for you, and they'll explain the available packages. Typically, clients train once or twice a week, but some come up to three times. You'll find a schedule that suits you.

  • High-Intensity Training (HIT) shouldn't be confused with High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). While S+ is based on HIT research, it has evolved beyond the basic principles and adapts to each person's needs during each session. What's intense for one person might be too intense for another. We adjust the sessions to be challenging yet safe.

  • Although we don't specialize in rehabilitation, we follow research recommendations for exercising with injuries. Many clients have started the program with injuries and have seen improvement without aggravating their condition. We adapt each session to what you are able to do safely.

  • Yes! To strengthen muscles, they need to contract against resistance to fatigue. Our efficient and safe exercises can cover all major muscle groups in as little as 15 minutes, with a few minutes of rest in between. Many studies have demonstrated significant results with this approach.

  • We adapt to your needs! Many clients feel out of shape when they start, and we have older clients who thrive with our program. Movements are slow and controlled, you're supervised during every session, and our specialized equipment ensures safety. We always find a way to adapt the sessions and exercises to suit you.

Free Intro Session

Try it first. The free introductory session will allow you to see how effective this way of training can be!